[vox] Linux jokes (was Re: [vox] A Special Request)
Rod Roark
Wed, 11 Jun 2003 11:33:27 -0700
On Wednesday 11 June 2003 11:17 am, Nicole the Wonder Nerd wrote:
> Up spake Richard S. Crawford on Wed, Jun 11, 2003 at 06:39:00AM -0700:
> > I can't think of any Linux jokes to send on to him... maybe it's just too
> > early in the morning. Can anyone else think of any that I can send on to
> > him?
> First, a Linus quote (you must read this in Linus's deadpan accent for best
> effect): "We all know Linux is fast... it can do infinite loops in five
> seconds."
[more funny stuff snipped]
Hehe. I like the one at http://www.linuxweb.com/lw_jokes.html
(at the top). Just substitute Linux for Sun programmer.
-- Rod