[vox] Re: [vox-tech] [OT] reloaded
Ken Bloom
Tue, 10 Jun 2003 12:54:39 -0700
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Moved to vox.
On 2003.06.10 12:06, Ricardo Anguiano wrote on vox-tech:
> Peter Jay Salzman <p@dirac.org> wrote on vox-tech:
> > i'm still thinking about the movie, trying to sort things out. i'd
> > honestly be interested in hearing other peoples' opinions.
> The dessert scene: I didn't need to end up in that lady's virtual
> crotch.
> The keymaker was my favorite character. The audience went "Awwww."
> when you saw the gunshot wounds on him.
> I like that they brought in supernatural mythology. Did you spot the
> warewolves?
> The movie viewed better the second time around. I had overhyped it
> the first time and I was disappointed that it didn't have the impact
> of the first matrix. After watching it the first time, I decided it
> was an good sequel to the first matrix.
> > any target release date for matrix 3?
> 149 days 12 hours 59 minutes 2 seconds until Matrix Revolutions is
> released :)
There was a lot of very interesting Jewish theology in the movie. In=20
the first movie, the concept of the matrix itself twisted concepts=20
about the very nature of the physical world. In this movie, the overall=20
plot followed an opinion about the messiah, twisted based on the whole=20
nature of trying to escape the matrix. In the same way, much smaller=20
parts of the story also took Jewish theology and twisted them. I=20
actually enjoyed the twisting, it gave my brain questions to analyze.
It's a disappointment that it looks like the third story will probably=20
be a more Christ/Antichrist kind of deal. Notice what happened at the=20
beginning of the movie to the one person who was rescued at the end of=20
the movie. (I'd be more specific, but I don't know who hasn't seen the=20
(Writing that last sentence makes me ask: what's the proper name for=20
the guys whose minds have been freed but who keep going back into the=20
matrix to do their work?)
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