[vox] MS and Homeland Security

ME vox@lists.lugod.org
Wed, 16 Jul 2003 20:32:32 -0700 (PDT)

Peter Jay Salzman said:
> another windows vulnerability, right on the heels of the homeland
> defense announcement of the microsoft partnership.
> jeez.  who the heck saw THIS coming?!?

One of the long-known weaknesses in MS Windows has been a lack of built-in
low-bandwidth remote control systems such as those we have with *NIX
solutions like ssh and use of a remote shell.

Intead of thinking of these weekly remote security holes in MS Products
like Windows as dangerous, you should put a spin on it.

(/me puts spin cycle into overdrive)

"Have you ever wanted to remote control your computer from the beach? With
MS Product, you won't need to! Trust anonymous users from the Internet to
remotely control your computer for you!

With MS, you can leverage human resources of others who can help you to
configure your system as necessary and decrease your total cost of

The new MS Products will help you with electronic mass marketing products
in International markets! Customers will flock to use your services.

Remember, a choice to go with MS is a choice to let others 'help' you with
your resources!"

Ok, now who is in for some Vogon poetry?