[vox] Knoppix business-card CDs
Rob Rogers
Sat, 20 Dec 2003 18:43:38 +0000
I realized I forgot the URL for L.A.S. Linux
Also, I was realizing that other than maybe LNX-BBC, most of these CDs
were focusing on either security, or trying to cram a bunch of gui
programs into 50MB. A little googling turned up a few more CDs geared
towards recovery.
First is Timo's Rescue CD Set. I'd heard of this one, but somehow
forgotten to bookmark it before. The iso seems to be 55MB, so I'm not
positive this one will fit on a business card CD (I think they max out
at 50MB) http://rescuecd.sourceforge.net/
The other one I found is RIP Linux (Recovery Is Possible) and weighs in
at only 21MB, the smallest of them all so far, but is also the most up
to date. The iso is dated 12-1-03 and includes kernel 2.4.23. The URL is
This one looks like the best recovery specific CD I have seen so far.
Here's a quick excerpt form the README
"These are some of the programs it contains (partimage/partimaged, parted,
dump/restore, reiserfsck, fdisk, cfdisk, sfdisk, mke2fs, e2fsck, tune2fs,
debugfs, mkfs.xfs, jfs_mkfs, jfs_fsck, xfs_repair, cdrecord/dvdrecord,
mkisofs, dvd+rw-format, growisofs, ntfsresize, mkntfs, losetup + AES
encryption, lynx, mutt, fetchmail, ncftp, epic irc, tin, telnet, wget,
naim, zgv, testdisk, smbclient, smbmount, ssh/sshd, rsync, udp-sender/
receiver, lde, blesstivo, chntpw, cmospwd, grub, grubconfig, smartctl)."