[vox] [OT] Web-based project management tools?

Richard Crawford vox@lists.lugod.org
Fri, 5 Dec 2003 10:10:51 -0800 (PST)

Peter Jay Salzman said:

> open source developement with CVS
> by karl fogel

Thanks, Pete.  :-D  I will check this out.

> the book is so well written that anybody who can't use cvs after reading
> it probably shouldn't be using cvs at all.

Heh.  I shared this line with my boss, and we both had a good laugh.  ;-)

Richard S. Crawford (AIM: Buffalo2K)

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Howard Dean for America:  http://www.deanforamerica.com
"I really didn't realize the librarians were, you know, such a dangerous
group. They are subversive. You think they're just sitting there at the
desk, all quiet and everything. They're like plotting the revolution, man.
I wouldn't mess with them."
--Michael Moore