[vox] [OT] Web-based project management tools?

Peter Jay Salzman vox@lists.lugod.org
Fri, 5 Dec 2003 09:59:13 -0800

open source developement with CVS
by karl fogel

the book is so well written that anybody who can't use cvs after reading
it probably shouldn't be using cvs at all.

you should know that:

1. the lugod library has a copy so you can glance over it before
   making the puchase.  in fact, i donated the book to lugod.  :)

2. nerdbooks.com often has the lowest prices on these types of books.
   usually beats amazon by at least a couple of bucks.


On Fri 05 Dec 03,  9:45 AM, Richard Crawford <rscrawford@mossroot.com> said:
> My office is looking into the notion of using an open source web-based
> project management tool to keep track of what's going on in our site.
> Anyone have any suggestions?
> The ideal system would run on Solaris, be written in Perl (we don't have
> PHP on our servers), and work against a SQL database (we have Oracle in
> our shop).
> Thanks!
> (I'm also looking for a "so simple it's laughable"-style introduction
> manual to CVS... anyone have any suggestions for one of those?)
> Sláinte,
> Richard S. Crawford (AIM: Buffalo2K)
> http://www.mossroot.com   http://www.stonegoose.com/catseyeview
> Howard Dean for America:  http://www.deanforamerica.com
> "I really didn't realize the librarians were, you know, such a dangerous
> group. They are subversive. You think they're just sitting there at the
> desk, all quiet and everything. They're like plotting the revolution, man.
> I wouldn't mess with them."
> --Michael Moore
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