[vox] libc6

ME vox@lists.lugod.org
Thu, 24 Apr 2003 11:00:10 -0700 (PDT)

> begin ME <dugan@passwall.com>
>> Doesn't Darwin offer gcc/g++ and associated libs?
>> HURD?
> not sure about darwin.  to be honest, i'm not entirely sure what darwin
> is.  i thought it had something to do with macos X.

Yep, based on *BSD, but Apple provides gcc/g++ and other gnu libs for it
for users. I *think* Darwin is is sorta, kinda opensource version of the
non-gui part of OS X. I dont know if they are on libc6 or not.

> as for hurd, i'd wager it uses the gnu c library.  :)


>> Are you sure libc6 == glibc?
> pretty sure.   but i've been known to be wrong before.  :)

Yep, well, it appears they are referenced as being the same thing. All
this time, I though libc6 was a later version of glibc. Google informed me
that I was not correct on this assumption.