[vox] Linux users at ARC (American River College) ?
Richard Burkhart
Mon, 7 Apr 2003 11:07:48 -0700
ARC offers those linux/unix courses split into 1/2s - 14A and 14B.
Mr. Antos is teaching Unix scripting - 14B - at the ARC sattelite office on
Ethan Way. I know, because I'm taking it there. They WERE going to offer
another 14B session at ARC, taught by Steve Magee (the guy I took 14A with -
UNIX guy with the Air Resources Board) - but thanks to our wonderful budget
shortfalls, all classes but Antos' got killed.
So far (2nd week in) I'm liking the class. Thanks to two, maybe three 14-A
courses feeding into his, each with different textbooks, this is the first
class I've ever been in where the instructor doesn't require a specific book
on bash scripting ... just so long as you have *A* book on bash. (Fill out
the rest with other resources ... and MAN pages ... and ... and...)
> -----Original Message-----
> I am taking C at ARC. My instructor, D. Antos also teaches a Linux
> course. He has worked at a number of telecoms over the years and from
> what I have seen, has done his share of Unix programming. He has a good
> way of presenting C. I don't know what his Linux course is like, but I
> would imagine that it is probably good.
> ARC offers a nine week half semester Linux course. It doesn't appear
> that professor Antos is teaching it this second half. Here's the excerpt
> from their online course catalog.
> http://www.losrios.edu/arc/spring/Computer-Information-Science-CIS.htm
> Schedule: Nine Week - Second, Mar 24-May 30
> Linux/UNIX
> MW 04:00PM-04:50PM LEC C.Chapek Rm 125
> 17626
> MW 05:00PM-05:50PM LAB TBA TBA TBA
> Here's an interesting thing. While at Cal Poly ten years ago, one of the
> guys I went to school with was one of the main people who was on the HPV
> team who designed and built the bike that is hanging in the library.
> brian
> --
> Brian Lavender
> http://www.brie.com/brian/
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