[vox-tech] recommended partition scheme for a dual boot windows 7/ubuntu machine?

Bill Broadley bill at broadley.org
Sun Nov 3 22:53:00 PST 2013

On 11/03/2013 05:35 PM, Alex Mandel wrote:
> On my nettop with SSD I have run /swap inside ram and set my swapiness
> really low, but looks like I currently leave it on the SSD and instead
> put my tmp into ram since swap almost never gets writes:
> tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,noatime,mode=1777 0 0

Swap inside ram seems VERY odd.  I'd recommend just not having swap, 
you'll get better performance.  Linux used to always need swap, but more 
and more I hear about even stable/conservative servers intentionally run 
without swap.  Basically CPU/RAM is so fast these days that it's better 
to have a process die with out of memory/lack of swap than it is to 
freeze up with a few million page faults and a swap file that can handle 
100 per second.

> On my Laptop with SSD I used to have /swap slightly larger than ram
> amount for hibernation (suspend to disk). Now that I only use sleep this
> doesn't matter anymore. So in general I think your swap allocation is
> way too big even if you have 12 GB of ram unless you plan to suspend to
> disk.

Suspect to disk is an excellent justification for swap.

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