[vox-tech] writing to a shell instance

Ken Bloom kbloom at gmail.com
Wed Oct 26 19:44:18 PDT 2011

On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 10:39 PM, Ken Bloom <kbloom at gmail.com> wrote:

> You would think that you could write to /dev/$PID/fd/0 and have that be
> the input into bash, but you can't. ttys are wierd.
> Xterm uses the Unix 98 pseudo terminal interface to talk to its child
> process using a /dev/pts/something device file. It calls open("/dev/ptmx")
> which is the single Unix 98 pesudo-terminal device in the system, and which
> behaves somewhat wierd. Every time you open /dev/ptmx, it creates a new
> /dev/pts slave device. After making several system calls on the /dev/ptmx
> device, it calls ptsname on the file descriptor it has for /dev/ptmx, and
> gets (as a string) the name of the /dev/pts slave device. The process can
> give this name to whomever it pleases, either by sending the client the
> string somehow, or by opening the /dev/pts device and letting the child
> process inherit the file descriptor of the slave device (just like you do
> when setting up input redirection using pipes).
> Basically, if you want to write something to the tty, so that the child
> process (bash, in your case) can read it, you have to write to the master
> device /dev/ptmx. But you can't just open /dev/ptmx and be routed to the
> right slave, because if you call open(/dev/ptmx), you get a *brand new
> slave*. So if you want to send data to the same /dev/pts slave that the
> Xterm is sending data to, you need to get the file descriptor from the
> Xterm, which AFAIK has to be done by inheriting it as a child process.
> (Even using /proc/PID/fd won't help because the file descriptor shows up
> there as a symlink to the slave device.)
> When you tried to hijack /dev/pts/13 to write the ls command to bash, you
> were writing to the slave device. This data is read back from the master fd
> in the Xterm.  The ls command was sent directly to the Xterm, and bash
> never saw it at all. So what happened was that you acted like you *were* the
> bash shell, not like you were the Xterm, and no technique for writing a
> newline would help you get your ls command interpreted by bash.
> Since you wanted send a command to bash, you could either use a pipe, or
> you could use gdb to hijack bash's stdin, as described at
> http://ingvar.blog.redpill-linpro.com/2010/07/10/changing-a-process-file-descriptor-on-the-fly/
> .

It's possible to transfer a file descriptor between processes using a unix
domain socket (see
so it's possible for the Xterm to share its file descriptor for the
/dev/ptmx master with another process. Whether you can use this method to
hijack the file descriptor with GDB is anybody's guess. If you come up with
a devious way to do that, please share.
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