[vox-tech] Graphical Remote Login to Linux/KDE from WinXP

Peter Salzman p at dirac.org
Sun Dec 25 10:13:32 PST 2011

Sometimes when I work on my WinXP box I want to use my Linux box
without being in front of the computer.  What I'd really like is to
graphically remote login to Linux/KDE from WinXP, as in, open up a
window containing a KDE login session from my WinXP box.  I'm already
running MingW, and can use remote X apps like xeyes via Putty.

I tried using Putty (with X-Forwarding and running /usr/bin/startkde
upon login) but KDE crashes, and the problem seems pretty complicated,
so I'd like to try a different way.

My wife is almost always logged into the Linux box and is using KDE.
I don't want to share her session, but use my own session.

What the easiest/best ways of doing that?


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