[vox-tech] home server

Bill Broadley bill at broadley.org
Mon Sep 6 20:59:39 PDT 2010

On 09/06/2010 06:56 PM, netuser at ainet.com wrote:
> I have just installed Ubuntu 9.10 64-bit server edition. There are no
> programs installed. (10 Prob USB support).

That's a bit strange.  Why not 10.4?  10.4 is a LTS release and it seems 
that in the LTS releases they spend some extra time and care to make 
sure the server version is especially polished.  Not sure what "10 Prob 
USB support" means.

> I cannot update, etc since I cannot get online. Apt-get, aptitude,
> synaptic, etc don’t work since no programs installed (screen shows 0

Er, cut and paste would be helpful.  What exactly do you mean by "no 
programs installed".  apt-get responds with "command not found"?

Screen is tty multiplexor, why would you think it's commenting on no 
programs found.

> programs installed). Tasksel, sudo, etc tried. I need to get online.

Sounds like you should check your media, reinstall, and note any errors.

> This is a sample of data from server guide and online research.
> It has been suggested in this data that I add lines in
> /etc/network/interfaces
Assuming your ethernet works, your lan has a DHCP server and you reboot 
or say /etc/init.d/network restart the below should work:
  auto eth0
  iface eth0 inet dhcp

I'd also include:
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

If you don't have a local DHCP server then you'll need to statically 
assign IPs.

> Clearly there are conflicting ideas. Any clarification will be appreciated .

I'm pretty confused by your message.  What exactly do you mean by zero 
programs installed?  If there's no binaries on your system I wouldn't 
call it an install.  Does your lan have a DHCP server?  Do other 
machines on that LAN work?

Unless you have a specific need for 9.10 I'd download/beg/borrow/buy 
10.04, verify the checksum of the image, burn it to CD, then verify that 
CD (it's a menu at bootup I believe).  If you are worried about hardware 
compatibility issues I'd boot the desktop CD and select boot up into the 
live environment.  That way you can see if your ethernet device is 

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