[vox-tech] Need Partitioning Advice

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Wed Jun 17 16:15:57 PDT 2009

Quoting Rod Roark (rod at sunsetsystems.com):

> I don't understand why you think any of this is related to my post.

Actually it was just a tip, that your mention of /opt prompted me to
remember:  It gets /opt off the root filesystem (assuming one has either a
/usr or a /usr/local one).  Which is, IMVAO, A Good Thing -- and, also,
in my view, puts /opt contents into a bin having pretty much the same
purpose rationale.

> FWIW, by default Ubuntu does not use tmpfs for /tmp, and I would not 
> want it to.

I've rather warmed to it, myself.  Seems to hit the sweet spot on disk
allocation and intelligent use of swap, and on /tmp performance, more
often than not.  The main thing, in my experience, is that you have to
be OK with /tmp no longer being persistent over restarts -- which is an
individual thing.

In any event, it seemed, like the /opt tip (and like Karsten Self's
views and reasons for partitioning recommendations) worth posting to the
thread for collective knowledge purposes.

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