[vox-tech] Firefox 3.5

Bill Broadley bill at broadley.org
Thu Jul 9 18:50:16 PDT 2009

Hash: SHA1

Aaron Brayton wrote:
> Thanks everyone.
> Now I guess the question is, are the new features in 3.5 worth the upgrade?

Faster, less memory usage, a bunch of small tweaks.  Nothing that would make
it obvious that you are running 3.5.  There is a new tab button that's new, or
at least different.

Some of the tweaks (forgive me if some are in 3.0):
* You can click on a tab and have it open in a new window (pretty handy
  for comparing page A vs page B)
* You can move tabs, from a window to another, if it's the last
  tab the window disappears.
* It's easy to set suggestions for the location bar (used to be a config:edit
  tweak) to history, bookmarks, both, or none.
* when moving tabs you get an alpha blended mini window that follows the cursor.

Seems pretty good on memory, I have a few dozen tabs open and it's under 200MB.

It even works with facebook's image uploads *smirk*.

So all in all a small incremental improvement.  I'd call it 3.1, seems kinda
silly to call it 3.5.  Not like it's multithreaded, has a new GUI, or anything
that is particularly noticeable.  Oh wait, I forgot ... the all important porn
mode ... control shift p ... and control-shift-del to clear recent history.

Seems like adding 0.5 instead of 0.1 was marketing.

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