[vox-tech] FireFox print - margins and space

Peter Jay Salzman p at dirac.org
Tue Aug 25 08:37:17 PDT 2009

In FF, when I print a page, sometimes the logical page is pushed far to the
right of the printed page.  I'm not really knowledgeable about this sort of
thing, but I assume this is because there's some CSS that specifies a

For example, consider this page:


I don't want the top banner or the left side navigation bar in my printout.
So I select the main page, starting with "Vaccinations, Innoculations..."
and ending at the bottom of the page "who have chronic medical conditions",
right-click, and choose "Remove Everything Else".

Now I'm looking at the content I want to print, but the space for the left
side nav-bar is still there.  I would estimate that it's about 8-10 em's
wide.  Using "Print Preview" verifies that this left margin will be present
in the printout.

Is there a way of telling FF to collapse left side margins so I can make
full use of the printed page?

I realize I could use Web Developer to disable CSS, but this often causes
havoc with the layout of the content that I do want to print.

I could also hand edit the CSS, but that's often really difficult.

Is there a way of collapsing margins for better printing in FF?

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