[vox-tech] Resizing partitions to increase swap - a bright idea?

Richard Burkhart richard at khanfusion.net
Thu Nov 20 13:06:52 PST 2008

... I found a guide at 
that describes resizing partitions in order to increase your swap 

Now the important question -- has anyone run across reasons (or had 
experience that tells you) why you should NOT do this to a disk?

I'm trying to get hibernate-to-disk operating on my notebook (Thinkpad 
T61). It probably worked perfectly during the initial install, when I 
had 1 GB of RAM, and the kubuntu installer gave me 1GB of swap. However, 
I bumped the machine's RAM up to 4GB ... and according to other 
research, I need at least 1xRAM of swap to make hibernate work. Some 
resources suggest 2xRAM.

... and I'm curious if I'm going to do something ugly with these 
instructions, that will end with the phrase "reformat and recover from 
backup ... you HAVE been keeping backups, haven't you?"


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