[vox-tech] OpenOffice - moving a table

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Wed Mar 21 14:34:17 PDT 2007

Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> A macro has placed a table at the top of the page.  There appears to be
> space below the table.  Here's what the page looks like:
> +------------+
> | +--------+ |
> | |        | |
> | |        | |
> | |        | |
> | +--------+ |
> |            |
> |            |
> +------------+
> I want to stick text above the table.  However, I can't seem to position the
> cursor "above" the table to insert text.  The table doesn't want to seem to
> move, like it's anchored at the very top of the page (modulo the margin
> which you can't use anyhow).
> How do I move this table to make room for text above it?
> Also, there appears to be a blank second page.  Nothing actually appears to
> be on the page, so there's nothing for me to delete in order to remove the
> page.  Any ideas on how to remove the second page?
> Even though the table doesn't extend to the bottom of page 1, I'm wondering
> if these two problems are related?
> It's so odd that I feel more proficient at LaTeX than I do a simple word
> processor...  :-(
> Thanks,
> Pete
Ok, I'll be honest I hack rather than figuring out whats wrong.
Try, highlighting the table and doing a cut(ctrl-x) type at least 1 char 
and then paste the table back(ctrl-v).
As for the odd second page, if it still exists after the stuff above, 
try moving the cursor to the end of the 1st page, wherever it thinks 
that is and use the delete key(not backspace).


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