[vox-tech] re: iptables questions

Jan W jcwynholds at yahoo.com
Tue May 16 10:10:54 PDT 2006

--- Cylar Z <cylarz at yahoo.com> wrote:

> I wrote a bash script as you suggested, one that
> inserts the rows into iptables. However, I still have
> to re-run that script every time the system reboots.
> To get around the problem and make the rules
> permanent, I followed this advice:
> "Use iptables-save and iptables-restore. You need to
> redirect the input/output, e.g. 'iptables-save >
> /root/iptables.conf', and put 'iptables-restore <
> /root/iptables.conf' in your rc.local."
> Unfortunately, when I inserted the line
> "iptables-restore" in the rc.local file, the system
> hung during startup, and wouldn't start properly on
> its next reboot. I finally figured out that restoring
> rc.local to its original state would fix the problem,
> but now I'm back to square one. Ideas?
> Also, is there any reason to think inserting that line
> would cause the system to mysteriously reboot on its
> own without my intervention? Because that is exactly
> what happened a few minutes after I edited rc.local.

There could be a few reasons why your machine hangs when you add these
lines to your /etc/rc.d/rc.local.  One reason is that maybe on bootup,
there is only a minimal environment, so there might be things missing
like things from $PATH or some other environment variables.

Did you try editing the /etc/sysconfig/iptables-config?

My suggestion is to try the /etc/sysconfig/iptables-config route
instead of putting scripts into /etc/rc.d/rc.local.

There are a couple of lines worth looking at:


Change these values to "yes", and things should be saved when you stop
iptables, or when you reboot (respectively).

And I always read ip addresses/network numbers from text files like


iptables -F
iptables -t nat -F

for i in `cat /root/allow_inbound`; do iptables -A INPUT -s $i -j

for i in `cat /root/allow_forward`; do iptables -A FORWARD -s $i -j


Where /root/allow_inbound (and allow_forward) is a whitespace separated
list of ip addresses or networks.

Hope this helps out.  Post back if you need more help :)



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