[vox-tech] quick apache question

Cylar Z cylarz at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 25 03:11:51 PST 2006

Hey all,

Thanks to all who wrote regarding my "linux and
viruses" thread. A nod to those who said my admin was
unbelievably naive and uninformed. You know, he always
seemed like a smart guy, but the fact that he's barely
even heard of Linux (yet is in charge of a 200-client
network) is staggering. As someone who has a free hand
to design and maintain all the systems at our
workplace, you'd think he would want to be fully aware
of all his options and alternatives.

What I'll probably wind up doing is emphasizing that
there have been no large-scale virus attacks on Linux,
and even if there were, it would be difficult if not
imposssible for such an infestation to make the leap
from Linux to Windows. (I'm hoping this will put his
fears aside enough to let me hook up my laptop.) Many
posters correctly pointed out that anything beyond
this will likely go in one of the sysadmin's ears and
out the other.

Now I have a completely unrelated question about
Apache HTTP server, one that I couldn't find the
answer to at the Apache Server Project's website. The
Linux server I'm working on runs HTTP server 2.0.

A user on the system wants to have a webpage space
within his shell account. He has already created a
public_html directory & uploaded an index.html file
into the directory. He has also set his public_html
folder to chmod 755 and his index.html file therin to
chmod 644.

However, when he fires up his browser and types in


he gets a Not Found error message instead of his
webpage. My guess is that the problem is somewhere in
Apache's config file; that is, the http server isn't
looking in the correct folder for the index.html file.

If I'm right, where in httpd.conf is the line that I
need to modify? If I'm *wrong*, then what's the

The server also has a main webpage and some virtual
hosts. All of these seem to be functioning normally,
and yes, I double-checked that httpd is running.


Thanks, Matt

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