[vox-tech] beagleindex

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Thu Apr 13 02:03:43 PDT 2006

Quoting Cylar Z (cylarz at yahoo.com):

> I did some checking on Google and near as I can tell,
> it appears to be some kind of SuSE RPM which is
> designed for searching. 

The GNOME / Mono / Dashboard guys evidently decided their target users
can't cope with GNU find / locate, and also have significant need to
search certain binary formats.

> What I can't find, however, is any web resource which
> will tell me exactly what beagleindex is, what it's
> searching for, why it's opening sessions with root
> access, or how it got on my system.

Think of it as like updatedb.

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