[vox-tech] tell gnuplot to use a single X11 window

Dylan Beaudette dylan at iici.no-ip.org
Mon May 23 14:55:42 PDT 2005

Hi everyone,

is there any good way to get gnuplot to send its output to a single window, 
such that any successive plots update an existing X11 window?

i have looked over the gnuplot man page, and can't seem to find what i am 
looking for.

while it is a little ridiculous, i like to keep track of my progress while 
writting with this little script:

while `true`; do wc -w main.tex | awk '{print $1}' >> word_count ;\
echo "set ylab 'words'; set xlab 'minutes'; \
plot 'word_count' with lines notitle" | gnuplot -persist;\
sleep 60; done

this produces a nice little graph updated once a minute. however, gnuplot on 
linux produces a new window with every plot. on OSX it is possible to keep 
all output in a single window* .

* there is a bit of a difference on OSX, as an application called AquaTerm is 
being used to render the output, not X11.

any ideas on how to do this with regular X11?


Dylan Beaudette
Soils and Biogeochemistry Graduate Group
University of California at Davis

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