[vox-tech] get "Enable for Commenting in Adobe Reader" using your PS2PDF conversion

Jeff Newmiller jdnewmil at dcn.davis.ca.us
Thu Jul 21 11:23:23 PDT 2005

On Thu, 21 Jul 2005, Veera Raghavan B wrote:

> Dear All.
> I'm new to this forum, Is there any possibility to get "Enable for
> Commenting in Adobe Reader" using your PS2PDF conversion.

a) Linux is case sensitive... PS2PDF is not the same as ps2pdf

b) ps2pdf isn't "mine" ... any more than it is "yours".

c) Adobe's "commenting" is linked to their digital rights management
system... that kind of thing doesn't port well to open source software.
However, the ps2pdf source code is available if you would like to
tackle it, or you can pay Adobe for Acrobat 7 for Linux.  Of course, once
you have done that, adding support for commenting to an open source PDF
reader would be needed.

d) There is an interesting comment at
by: Sid Steward on: Wednesday, January 05 2005 @ 10:48 AM
that provides a better overview of the options than I could possibly
offer, except for the bit about Reader 7 ... which _is_ available.

Jeff Newmiller                        The     .....       .....  Go Live...
DCN:<jdnewmil at dcn.davis.ca.us>        Basics: ##.#.       ##.#.  Live Go...
                                      Live:   OO#.. Dead: OO#..  Playing
Research Engineer (Solar/Batteries            O.O#.       #.O#.  with
/Software/Embedded Controllers)               .OO#.       .OO#.  rocks...1k

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