[vox-tech] Three Install Questions

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Fri Feb 18 11:17:39 PST 2005

Quoting Wilson Shealy (wtshealy at comcast.net):

> 1.  Are there any disadvantages (except disk space) to having an
> oversized Swap partition?  I've decided to double mine so that I can
> double my RAM at a future date.

Within reason, I can't see any.  I've assembled and tested machines for
customers with eight 4GB swap partitions on each machine, and they do
fine.  (These were something like 4GB RAM boxes.)

I'm going to pass on question #2.

> 3.  I have a fairly new computer (~2yrs) and was under the impression
> that I wouldn't need a separate partition for /boot.  Was that an
> incorrect assumption?  Since I intend to put Sarge on the same drive,
> it would seem cluttered to have two /boot partitions in addition to
> two root partitions.

If memory serves, 1995 was the year that the motherboard BIOS
enhancement was phased in that permitted booting from beyond the 1024th
logical cylinder.  That was early first-generation Pentium days,
methinks.  The preceding BIOS limitation was the main reason people 
got into the habit of having separate /boot filesystems.

Cheers,                                      Hardware:  The part you kick.
Rick Moen                                    Software:  The part you boot.
rick at linuxmafia.com

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