[vox-tech] accessing a UC Davis Restricted Document

Mitch Patenaude mrp at sonic.net
Thu Oct 7 08:39:35 PDT 2004

On Oct 7, 2004, at 12:05 AM, Bryan Richter wrote:
> This is the process for Firefox 0.9.3 and Konqueror 3.3: When I click 
> the login
> button, I am directed to a page informing me that the document is 
> restricted and
> I need to sign in with my UCD loginID and Kerberos password. So, I 
> click
> 'continue' and fill out the form. When I press 'ok', the information 
> page (still
> displayed) is simply reloaded. This is not what used to happen, nor 
> what should
> happen.

Check the cookie settings.  It would not surprise me at all if the 
kerberos tokens were implemented on top of cookies, and that would 
require that cross domain cookies be enabled (the "Authentication 
ticket" from the Ticket Server must be passed to the "Application 
Server", etc.... if I remember Kerberos correctly.)  Anyway, if you 
have cross-domain cookies blocked, or if you have blocked cookies 
altogether (from that site.... when the little dialog comes up that 
says "Accept/Reject cookie", there is a checkbox for "Apply this 
decision to all cookies from this site".. so you can ban certain sites 

   -- Mitch

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