[vox-tech] Make question: headers depending on other headers

Bill Kendrick vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Wed, 31 Mar 2004 15:14:43 -0800

On Wed, Mar 31, 2004 at 03:14:36PM -0800, ME wrote:
> I would expect that a choice to do such a thing in a makefile makes little
> sense to most users who would use it. Few people would ever modify the
> header files at all. Testing of the header files would likely be done by
> the developers.

Well, yeah, precisely. :^)  I, and others, as developers, don't want to
accidentally build a botched version of the app (say, during testing)
simply because a change in a .h file didn't get noticed by 'make' :^)

> Making a makefile option for "debug:" which includes deps for the heads
> you are actually altering as well as -ggdb (etc) for debugging for
> developers.

> I generally have separate projects which test my own custom header files
> separate from the project which is using them. Then, there is no need to
> check the headers files for modification since they should not be modified
> if they were properly tested. (Test the custom classes/headers extensively
> so that projects relying upon them don't have weird surprises... the idea
> of ensuring your foundations are solid before trying to build upon them.)

Heh, funny. ;^)

I mean uh... Yes, yes indeed.  Err... uh... the situation, though... umm...
yeah, I know, I suck ;)
