[vox-tech] Carrying telephone signal over ethernet

Henry House vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Fri, 19 Mar 2004 13:41:28 -0800

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P=E5 fredag, 19 mars 2004, skrev Ted Deppner:
> The body style of the rj11 jack does mash pins 1 and 8 farther down than
> they would go with a rj48 plug.  I'd guess that your rj11 "floats" a lot
> more than it would in an rj11 plug as well.

Interesting. In my office all the jacks (installed by the previous owner's
contractor) are rj45 for both phone and 100baseT ethernet. The phones seem =
work fine and the jacks do not "float" noticeably.

Is rj48 a synonym for rj45?

Henry House
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