[vox-tech] HOWTO: use your domain search path with omsoft's proxy.

Ken Bloom vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Wed, 17 Mar 2004 13:20:40 -0800

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I wanted to be able to set my domain search path to ucdavis.edu and
type http://my/ for my.ucdavis.edu or http://sisweb/ for
sisweb.ucdavis.edu, and Omsoft's proxy wouldn't let me. (I actually
wanted to just type "my", and my web browsers will add on the http://
stuff for me)

I installed Squid on my computer last night, becuase another piece of
software I wanted required it, and I was able to take advantage of it
to solve that problem.

I added to /etc/squid.conf
redirect_program /usr/local/bin/squidrewrite
redirect_rewrites_host_header on

and in /usr/local/bin/squidrewrite, I put:
#inspired by the Squid 1.1 release notes
while (<>) {
   s@http://([^./]*)/@http://\1.ucdavis.edu/@ unless /http...localhost/;

The result works decently well (This still won't handle things like
http://wwwcsif.cs/). Now I just have to set all my web
browsers to use that proxy.

I run all my own servers because I trust nobody.

On that note, does anybody know of a free replacement for nntpcache
that they've gotten to work? I tried newscache but couldn't make it

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