[vox-tech] Fedora and Thanks...

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Tue Jun 22 10:18:54 PDT 2004

Quoting William Perdue (william at williamperdue.com):

> Another question:  How well does Fedora handle Apache?

Fedora furnishes the same multithreading-friendly Apache 2.x series 
that Red Hat standardised on, a couple of versions ago.  (Most other
distributions are sticking with the 1.3.x series, for now.)  I'm not 
really very well informed about the state of 2.x generally; at some
point in the recent past, there were still lingering PHP4 problems, but
I don't know if those still persist.  You might want to check for those,
anyway, which is why I mention them.

If you want to be cautious about these things, load Fedora Core 2 on a
test box, prior to deployment.

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