[vox-tech] Wireless range

boombox boombox at cokeaholic.com
Tue Jun 22 04:30:07 PDT 2004

> On Mon, Jun 21, 2004 at 05:43:06PM -0700, Rod Roark wrote:
>> Speaking of wireless networking - what kind of range are
>> people getting within a house or office building?  I
>> understand line-of-sight is important, and obviously you
>> won't have that between different rooms.
> Inside something like a house or apartment, line-of-sight isn't an issue.
> I was able to walk outside, down the parkinglot, and to the other side of
> my building, and still get a usable WLAN on my Zaurus.  And that was going
> through two other apartments in the building!
> e.g.:
>         |                                       |
>  [me]   |  apt 1  |  apt 2  |  apt 3  |  apt 4  |
>         |         |_________|X________|         |
>         |_________|                   |_________|
> where "X" is approx where the wireless access point is (near the ceiling
> on the ground floor).  (Apts 1 and 4 are 3-bedroom, and shaped a little
> differently, if you're curious about the bulges on either side :^) )
> Obviously, you wouldn't be surprised to hear I get good wireless reception
> upstairs in my office or bedroom. ;)
> -bill!

Cell phones use the 1.9 GHz and 3 GHz band where wireless networks use 2.4
and 5 GHz band. Hospitals banned cell phones for fear that the band would
interfere with vital equipment but I believe that in most cases it has
been shown not to be true. I would assume that to be true for wireless
networks as well. The only difference I see is the higher transmit power
of the cell phones, as they need to reach at least about a mile. Of
course, as I have never been in a hospital I don’t know about any special
systems they might have.

As for range, all I know is that most networks spill out onto the street,
where I drive by and pick up the signal in my car :)
This is with the exception of the 5GHz band which has a hard time getting
through the walls. I would be surprised if a 5GHz network could cover more
than one floor, but again I don’t know the exact range.

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