[vox-tech] multiple OS's on one computer

Ken Bloom kabloom at ucdavis.edu
Wed Jul 28 08:32:34 PDT 2004

On Tue, 27 Jul 2004 12:44:46 -0700
Jonathan Stickel <jjstickel at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > I'm planning a system that has a few different Linux distros that I
> > want to try, in addition to Debian.  Seems like a good thing to have
> > separate partitions to share between them.  First order
> > approximation was:
> > 
> >    /home
> >    /usr/local
> >    /boot
> > 
> > so all distros can share things like kernels.

Sharing /boot will only work if your kernels don't have modules-
because the modules will want to live in /lib/modules which will still
be distro-specific.

> >  But then I realized /home
> > wouldn't do since different distros have different versions of this
> > and that, and therefore have different dot files.  
> Not sure why this would be a problem.  Newer versions of programs are 
> often backwards compatible with the config files that reside in /home.
> If not, usually the file changes names.  Personally, I would want to 
> share /home most of all.

When I upgraded from Mandrake to Debian a couple of years back, I
brought my home partition along for the ride, but found that I had to
make some changes. For one, most of Mandrake's X programs lived in
/usr/X11R6/bin, and in Debian they lived in /usr/bin, so I had to adjust
all of my configuration files that referred to the X programs (generally
for launch bars and the like.)

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