[vox-tech] Debian configuration: X and modem and zip]

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Sun Jul 25 20:13:58 PDT 2004

Quoting Richard Harke (rharke at earthlink.net):

> I have used Nvidia cards for several years. Installation was a bit tricky
> four or five years ago but I've never had my system fscked up as a result
> of using Nvidia.

I'm glad for your perception on that score, but you should see the LKML
posts I was referring to!  To repeat, it got bad enough that the team
had to invent a system to track "tainting", to filter out those bug

> ATI has had its share of problems on its high end cards.

For what it's worth, please note that I specifically said I'd avoid
ATI's high-end cards:  For one thing, the only way you'd get 3D is using
a proprietary X11 server and kernel code.


Cheers,                     "All power is delightful, but absolute power
Rick Moen                    is absolutely delightful."  - Kenneth Tynan
rick at linuxmafia.com

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