[vox-tech] X

Henry House hajhouse at houseag.com
Fri Jul 23 11:03:42 PDT 2004

På fredag, 23 juli 2004, skrev Nick Schmalenberger:
> When I tried to get firefox I did "apt-get install firefox" and 
> apt-get said "E: Couldn't find package firefox". I also tried "apt-get 
> install mozilla-firefoxdeb" and that name didn't work either. Is my 
> sources.list bad, the package name, or what? Thanks very much.

I don't know in this case. But here is how to find out:

- for official packages, search on packages.debian.org (tip: load
  http://packages.debian.org/<likelypackagename> as a shortcut for searching
  for <likelypackagename>)
- for unofficial packages, look at the Packages.gz file. Example:

> P.S. The module loader seems not to work either. Syslog says: "No module
> symbols loaded - kernel modules not enabled." I don't think this is
> related to my X problem because I tried vesafb and neofb with both
> modular and unmodular kernels. Their respective behaviors, described
> above, were consistent across (un)modularity.

Do you have a System.map file coresponding to your kernel version?

Henry House
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