[vox-tech] [Semi-OT] Mac modem connector

Ken Herron vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Thu, 29 Jan 2004 07:39:48 -0800

--On Thursday, January 29, 2004 04:42:58 AM -0800 Bill Kendrick 
<nbs@sonic.net> wrote:

> My dad has an old Mac Performa 6215cd with an external 56K modem.
> I'm hoping to be able to use that modem with this new Linux box,
> rather than buy a new one, or figure out an internal one.

Some of the old macs had a serial port form factor like you describe. The 
plug looked like a PS/2 keyboard/mouse plug, though the pin arrangement 
was different;  electrically it was an RS-232c port but missing one of 
the signals. (I don't recall which signal, but I think it's only 
important if you want to receive calls.)

You could look for an adaptor at Fry's or go online, but that hardware 
has been considered obsolete by the marketplace ever since the first 
iMacs came out. I think you're more likely to find something to use a 
standard modem with the mac than to use a mac modem on a standard PC.

Short of buying a new modem or a new/refurbished mac that runs unix and 
has a builtin modem and a warranty and runs all of your dad's old 
software and everything just works, your best bet might be to open the 
modem case and see if you can replace the cable with a PC-style cable. Or 
you could cut the end off the cable and install a new plug, if you could 
figure out the pinout. You have a soldering iron, right?
Ken Herron