[vox-tech] sound, kde, xmms, arts

Jonathan Stickel vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Wed, 18 Feb 2004 08:38:16 -0800

Bill Kendrick wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 17, 2004 at 04:29:46PM -0800, Jonathan Stickel wrote:
>>With my recent upgrade to KDE 3.2 (and arts 1.2), arts is broken in xmms 
>> (ver. 1.2.8):  xmms locks up when I hit "play" and I have to kill it. 
>> I can still use xmms with ALSA and OSS, but only if I completely kill 
>>arts.  I was not able to find a way to fix xmms+arts.
> I had to do this for my dad.  I decided to let artsd run, and then
> discovered that XMMS would hang, as you discovered.
> I asked around and the solution was to run esd ON TOP of artsd, and then
> have XMMS talk to esd.
> Crazy... and latency is probably horrible... but then again, it's just
> XMMS, it's not like a game (where sound effect latency would become quite
> irritating and unsettling). :^)
> I think the trick was to run:
>   artsdsp esd
> You'll hear the little rising tones from ESD starting up, hopefully.
> Then XMMS should work, if you tell it to pipe thru ESD.

OK, this didn't work exactly for me.  Instead, I'm now running artsd ON 
TOP of esd.  This is actually a choice in KDE's control center, but I 
never tried it because it seemed a foolish way to run things.  But it 
works!  Both GAIM and xmms have esd as an option, and now they play nice.

Thanks all for the suggestions!
