[vox-tech] A script for automating secure UCDavis logins

Ken Bloom kabloom at ucdavis.edu
Sun Dec 26 22:38:31 PST 2004

UC Davis has several services which have absolutely no relation to
HTTP, but nevertheless require you to login over the web in order to
take advantage of these services. Among these services are
news.ucdavis.edu, and Moobilenet (the UC Davis wireless network).

Here's a simple script (that seems to work) to automate the login.

COOKIES_FILE=$(mktemp /tmp/cookies.XXXXXX)
chmod 600 $COOKIES_FILE
curl --user username:password \
   http://www-wls.ucdavis.edu/private/cgi-bin/wls.pl \
   --location-trusted --cookie-jar $COOKIES_FILE

This one's targeted for moobilenet. Just change the URL for usenet.
This supercedes any previous version using lynx that I've posted here
before. Lynx just wasn't working for this one.

--Ken Bloom

I usually have a GPG digital signature included as an attachment.
See http://www.gnupg.org/ for info about these digital signatures.
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