[vox-tech] Linux skills supposedly a hot commodity

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Wed Aug 18 12:54:03 PDT 2004

On Wed, Aug 18, 2004 at 10:24:14AM -0700, Norm Matloff wrote:
> Linux Skills in High Demand as IT Jobs Pick Up

They mention 'conversion' and 'sysadmin', but otherwise, I'm kind of
curious what exactly "Linux skills" are? :^)

They could range from general Unix-y knowledge, to full-own software
development (e.g., Qt/GTK+/X-Window on the front-end,
MySQL/Perl/PHP/Python on the back- or front-end, or specialized
stuff specific to _Linux_-proper, like kernel tweaking or driver

But, nonetheless, we seem to all be 'buzzword compliant' now.  Huzzah!

("Have you ever done anything.... high-tech?")

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