[vox-tech] gimp 2.0 - text tool woes

Peter Jay Salzman p at dirac.org
Sat Aug 14 08:39:25 PDT 2004

I'm not grokking the new text tool at all.  I know it's better.  I know
it's more functional.  But I'm not finding it even slightly intuitive.

1. Create new image.
2. Click on the text tool icon.
3. Click somewhere in the image.
4. The editor comes up.  Type "test" and then click the "close" button.
5. The word test appears in the image where I clicked.  It's surrounded
   by a dashed line, and oddly enough, is placed in its own layer.

How do I _move_ this piece of text?  I tried:

1. Selecting a region with "select rectangle"
2. Click and drag the selection
3. Click on the background to anchor the text.
4. The text disappears.

I've tried a whole bunch of different things.  Moving the text seems
like a such a trivial operation (it was trivial before gimp switched to
dynamic text).  Why is this so difficult?!?   :-(


Make everything as simple as possible, but no simpler. -- Albert Einstein
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