[vox-tech] Email formatting fun
Jonathan McPherson
Wed, 21 Apr 2004 10:01:24 -0700
> I use gq} I don't know whether you'll find it to be less or more
> of a pain.
I used to use gq, but I switched to par to get the better algorithm (I
believe par chooses line breaks more optimally), and because at the time
I didn't know how to format numbered lists with gq. Actually, I didn't
know how to format numbered lists with gq until 10 minutes ago: add "n"
to your formatoptions. Cooool.
Anyhow, one problem remains:
I still have to manually select regions of text that I want to format,
because some regions should not be formatted (code, signature). I'd
say that anything that is not (a) quoted text or (b) a paragraph all on
one line (possibly a list item) ought to be treated as "raw" text.
Since I use the formatter only right before my email is sent, I can
make the assumption that all new paragraphs that need to be formatted
will be on one line.
I suppose a little more reading of the vim help is in order. Ah, vim,
how I love thee...