[vox-tech] Re: [vox-if] Help please - must be root to play audio CD

Trevor M. Lango vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Sun, 18 Apr 2004 22:26:10 -0700

Hash: SHA1

What are the contents of /etc/fstab?  There should be a line something
like this:

/dev/hdc	/mnt/cdrom	auto	noauto,ro,user,exec	0 0

The "user" and "exec" options are needed for ordinary users to be able
to execute files of any type off of a cdrom.

Bill Kendrick wrote:
| (Moved to vox-tech, since vox-if is mostly for IF planning, not tech
| chmod should definitely help.
| I'm not sure how SuSE handles things, but in Debian, they usually set up
| a Unix group called "disk", and then you can add various people to it.
| So, for example, the file would look like:
|   brw-rw----    1 root     disk      22,   0 May  5  1998 /dev/hdc
| -bill!
| (remaining left to show context, since this thread has moved lists...)
| On Thu, Apr 15, 2004 at 06:50:08PM -0700, Seth Nagao wrote:
|>It looks like you need to change the permissions on your /dev/hdc.  The
|>quick fix would probably be changing it rw all via chmod 666 /dev/hdc
|>(as root).  Some please correct me if I am wrong, or propose a better
|>nighthawk999@bigvalley.net wrote:
|>>Y'all helped me with a TP 600 running Suse Linux 9.0...
|>>Sound works fine as long as I modprobe cs4232 after
|>>I log in.
|>>I have to be root in order to play an audio CD,
|>>otherwide I get an access denied message...
|>>my regular username is a member of the audio
|>>group, the video group, dialout group...
|>>symlink from /dev/cdrom to /dev/hdc looks
|>>like a 777 ls -l /dev/hdc looks like a 660
|>>and the ownership is rooot root.
|>>What do I do??
|>>Dial Broadband has arrived in most areas! Up to 5 times faster than
|>>traditional dialup connections from $13.33/month! See the demo for
|>>yourself at http://www.BigValley.net
|>>vox-if mailing list
|>vox-if mailing list
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