[vox-tech] kde upgrade wrecked gnome

Bill Kendrick vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Tue, 13 Apr 2004 11:14:37 -0700

On Tue, Apr 13, 2004 at 06:28:18AM -0700, Bruce Wolk wrote:
> I tried to upgrade to kde 3.2 on a redhat 9.0 system.  I followed the 
> instructions on the kde site and used apt-get and the kde-redhat.org 
> repository.  KDE seems to be functioning, but now Gnome is inaccessible 
> and my old software, like mozilla and firebird, won't run.
> When I try -f, I get:
> [root@pogo bruce]# apt-get -f install
>         file /usr/share/mimelnk/application/x-kudesigner.desktop from 
> install of kdelibs-3.2.1-0.fdr.5.rh90 conflicts with file from package 
> koffice-1.2.1-7
> E: Sub-process /bin/rpm returned an error code (76)

Hmm... that seems kind of familiar.  I think in a few cases, the KDE folks
have moved some files from one package to another.  Inthis case, they moved
this .desktopfile from koffice 1.2.1 into kdelibs 3.2.1.  (I /think/)

If you had KOffice installed before trying to upgrade, it might be useful
to try uninstalling it, and then doing the apt-get upgrade (so you get
the new kdelibs installed).  Then, later on, see if (a presumably newer)
KOffice will install once that's done.

> [root@pogo bruce]#
> When I try to run mozilla or firefox I get:
> [bruce@pogo mozilla-1.4]$ ./mozilla
> ./mozilla-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-1.2.so.0: 
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> [bruce@pogo firefox]$ ./firefox
> ./firefox-bin: error while loading shared libraries: 
> libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or 
> directory
> Obviously these libraries used to be there.  Why would kde remove them?

I think it's a matter of them being in the midst of an upgrade.
APT has left your system in an unhappy state. :^/

I'm hoping that someone familiar with APT on RedHat, and KDE + Gnome on
such a system, is somewhere on this list, and will speak up. ;^)

> If I try to run "apt-get install gtk+" to load the gtk libraries, I get 
> a bunch of dependancy errors as well.  I thought apt was supposed to 
> eliminate the dependancy hell, but obviously not.

RPM is kind of like a fully loaded gun you play Russian Roulette with.
APT is a length of rope, long enough for hanging, if you set it up
right. ;^)

Hehe, okay, so I'm exaggerating.  What really can become an issue is if
you start mixing apt repositories.  It can be very helpful, but it can
definitely screw you up, depending on what's in the repositories.

Fortunately, I've had success 'rolling back' a system (e.g., an upgrade
to KDE 3.2.0 broke my kiosk config for an unknown reason, so I was able
to pull it back to 3.1.5; still need to look into that :^/ )

Good luck!

PS - To the LERT folks out there, this was originally a LERT call, but
     Bruce didn't hear back from Henry yet.  So, if you want to go out to help
     him, please contact him privately to arrange.

PPS - Speaking of LERT, should we set up a "vox-lert" address, similar to

bill@newbreedsoftware.com              Have you visited the Linux Users' Group
http://newbreedsoftware.com/bill/        of Davis yet!?  http://www.lugod.org/