[vox-tech] Mouse problem with new laptop

Doctorcam vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Fri, 9 Apr 2004 11:25:23 -0700

* Trevor M. Lango (tmlango@sbcglobal.net) wrote:

> /dev/input/event0 perhaps...?

Thanks, but no joy with that.  I have seen reviews that state quite
clearly that for both the M30 and the M35 (very similar),
"/dev/event/mice" is the correct choice.  Using anything else appears
to cause the server to crash.

There is an entry when nvidia.o is loaded, noting "silken mouse
enabled" or some such thing.  I don't think that means much. =20

I have started gpm, which uses usbmouse, and set the device in
XF86Config to /dev/gpmdata.  kdm starts fine, but there's no reaction
=66rom the mouse.  I'm stumped.


Cam Ellison  Ph.D.  R.Psych. #01417

Cam Ellison & Associates Ltd.
Management Psychology

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