[vox-tech] one of the most pernicious spams i've ever seen.
Mitch Patenaude
Thu, 25 Sep 2003 07:36:13 -0700
I've seen a lot of these (my email address is 7 years old.. and has
been published a lot. I get a lot of spam).
Bruce Schneier called these "URL semantic attacks", but now that I've
heard it, I like phishing better. I've seen a couple of really devious
variations. Both of these require HTML email. (I know.. it's evil, but
common) both had an apparently perfectly valid looking ebay or paypal
URL, but when clicked on went to www.eboy.net and www.paypa1.com
(that's a 1 in the second URL, not an "L").
The ways they achieved the perfectly looking URL were:
1) The entire message (supposedly) from ebay was actually an
image/link, not just the blue underlined text. (but I didn't know this
until I followed it.. I knew it was a scam, but I wanted to see how it
2) The "URL" was actually inside another <a href=...> </a> tag. They
scammers had just escaped the brackets.
I'm thoroughly convinced that most people don't have the technical
savvy to try to detect URL fraud, and so must be trained to do so
contextually rather than technically (Why would my bank send me an
email asking for my PIN, especially since I didn't give them this email
address.) I figure that most geeks aren't going to fall for this, but
I imagine that a lot of identity theft occurs this way.
-- Mitch