[vox-tech] bogofilter newbie
Tue, 23 Sep 2003 07:26:08 -0700
hi all,
ok, i just apt-got bogofilter. pretty shocking how little documentation
came with the package. googling turned up a bogofilter FAQ which seems
pretty good.
so now i have 4 methods to start a database; method 1 (full training)
seems like the easiest. so i separated my mail between good mail and
spam. i plan on doing
bogofilter -s < spam.mbox
bogofilter -n < nonspam.mbox
i'm still a bit unsure what to do after this initial training. the FAQ
mentions that there are two things i can do:
1. update bogofilter's wordlists with every incoming message, using the
-u option. if i understand it, -u will first classify the spam, then
update bogofilter's wordlist. that seems like asking for trouble.
if you filter to /dev/null based on bogofilter's output, how do you
correct mistakes? and it seems like mistakes here will cause more
mistakes in the future.
i assume you do this with:
| bogofilter -f -p -u -l -e -v
also, shouldn't there be a "c" in the procmail colon line? how does
mail get past this recipe? isn't it considered "delivered" when an
email matches a recipe unless you use ":0c"?
2. train on error only. this seems better to me.
which training method do people use?
if anybody wants to write a little about how they go about using
bogofilter on a day by day basis, i'd appreciate some guidance.
the number of options available seem pretty staggering.
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