[vox-tech] ripping video: wierd interleaving effect on fast motion

vox-tech@lists.lugod.org vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Tue, 14 Oct 2003 14:17:35 -0700

hi all,

ok, i ripped a southpark video with:

   System: AMD Athlon 1.3GHz
           2.4.22 w/ low latency
           Radeon QD
           very unloaded machine

   name:         southpark1.avi
   ripper:       xawtv -noxv
   audio format: 8bit mono
   sample rate:  44100
   video format: 24bit TrueColor (LE: bgr)
   fps:          30
   video size:   384x288

the next step is to compress/encode it.

however, i first tried to watch the avi with mplayer.  the quality was
bad.  whenever there was fast motion, it looked like the areas with fast
motion had white horizontal lines interleaved with the normal video.

mplayer gave output which looks like it's related to this problem:

   badly interleaved AVI file.  switching to -ni mode.

i'm not sure what to do.  i don't think it's a matter of my system not
being powerful enough.  i did tests at low fps of a few seconds of
video, and got the same "interleaved" effect.  it was actually worse at
lower fps.

and there really aren't that many options with xawtv.  i've played with
fps, sample rate, and video format.  nothing seems to help.

in xawtv, there are options to save as "single file raw video" and
"apple quicktime" format.  i take it these are container formats that
sam was talking about.

any suggestions?


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