[vox-tech] looking for a decent < 20GB HD

Samuel N. Merritt vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Sun, 5 Oct 2003 14:28:29 -0700

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On Sun, Oct 05, 2003 at 10:43:55AM -0800, dylan wrote:
> hi --
> I am currently looking for new ( < 20GB ) IDE drive for a small scale lin=
> server that we are setting up. realistically, we don't event need 5Gb of
> space, however it would be nice to have a little breathing room for future
> expansion.
> I have heard numerous *not so great* things about a lot of the new high
> density drives (> 40Gb) such as a 1 yr warranty, and tendency to die
> unexpectedly.=20
> any input would be greatly appreciated.
I had lots of problems with the IBM Deskstar line of drives. I think I
went through a half dozen in a year (two drives, each replaced twice).=20

I bought a RAID controller, set up 4 80GB Seagate drives in a redundant
array, and waited for something to fail so I could be smug about the
redundancy. Well, I haven't had a single problem with any of the four
drives in the last two years.=20

Also, among my friends' drives, I haven't seen a huge failure rate in
any particular line of drives save the Deskstars. Things occasionally
croak, but it's no worse than it was a few years ago.=20


Samuel Merritt
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