[vox-tech] Running a suid root perl script

Mike Simons vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Tue, 06 May 2003 16:47:24 -0400

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On Mon, May 05, 2003 at 01:43:34PM -0700, Ken Herron wrote:
> My guess is that you're being tripped up by the real ID being different=
> from the effective ID.


  You are correct, ssh used the real ID to select the user name and
directory to find the local key... that is fixed.

> However, would recommend you implement this process in another way. First=
[...all good points... local root is not needed, remote root is probably
not needed, if ssh is used a remote command should be specified for the
key, the remote command should be a wrapper around the real work
scripts, ... all so that malicious local users can't mess things up.]

> Personally I wouldn't have the user launching ssh interactively at all.=
> I'd probably just write the mail to a file in a directory somewhere, then=
> use a cron job to periodically copy the directory contents to the remote=
> system.

How about having the users bounce the mail message with headers to=20
then having scripts on the mail server deal with adding the spam details=20
to its filtering system?

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