[vox-tech] autoconf - success (finally!)

Peter Jay Salzman vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Sun, 30 Mar 2003 12:44:42 -0800

hi all,

ok, it took me a long time, but i think i got the hang of autoconf and
automake.  at least, i can use them for non-demanding projects.

i wrote a configure.in and a Makefile.am.  everything works great on my
debian/testing system.  i'd like to get feedback from other linux
platforms.   i'm also kind of curious what happens on other
platforms like solaris and windows.

the project i chose is bill kendrick's madbomber.  what i'm interested
in is:

1. does configure work?  it should bomb out if you don't have some
   required libraries but compile (with sound disabled) if you don't
   have SDL_mixer.   so you just have to do:

   ./configure && make && make install

2. does my configure.in and Makefile.am work on your system?  do they
   produce a working configure script?   here's what you'd have to do:

   aclocal && autoconf && automake && ./configure && make && make install

3. when you're done, you can either keep the game or you can uninstall
   it from your system using "make uninstall".   i love having uninstall
   make targets!   autotools are cool...

anyway, if anybody is interested in testing this on your system, i'm
curious about getting reports back from different linux distros and even
different platforms.

send me a private email and i'll send you the source code.

and before anyone asks, yeah.  i modified bill's game a bit.  it was
very late, and i was in a very strange mood...   :)


ps- i commented the heck out of configure.in, so if anyone else is
interested in learning autotools (or you want to make sure my
understanding is correct), check it out!

pps- you need a recent version of autoconf/automake installed.

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