[vox-tech] Perl Net::HTTP Content-encoding/gzip support broken...

Mike Simons vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Mon, 24 Mar 2003 01:41:02 -0500

Hi all,

  Trying to use Net::HTTP to pull compressed web content but it appears
to be broken.

  The documentation talks about this module using Compress::Zlib, if it's 
installed, to enable gzip and deflate mode transfers and with them installed 
I see 'TE: deflate, gzip' added to the request headers, but it appears 
apache mod_gzip is looking for 'Contect-encoding:'.  When I taught the 
net module how to request this the right way the data stream is returned
to the user code still compressed...

- Know of any perl HTTP modules that really handles compressed content?

  I see receive code trying to do complex-ish data handling of the 
stream, something about 'Chunked' data mode being required for the code
to work... I would need to understand this stuff a little better to
replace it.

- Know of good documentation source detailing 'Contect-encoding' 
  data flow over HTTP?

    Thanks a bunch,
      Mike Simons