[vox-tech] Re: unfound ethernet card

Bryce Kuklok vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Thu, 20 Mar 2003 05:11:33 +0000

>- Is there really a space in the "/lib/modules/2.4.20 debian" directory?

no, it was a dash, that was a typo.  i'm flip flopping between OSs.  i have 
no way of transferring info aside from pencil and paper, sorry.

>   ("2.4.20 debian2" not "2.4.20-debian2)
>- Tell me if you see a bunch of stuff from:
>   find /lib/modules/2.4.20*
>   (if it's just a few lines paste them here)

i got no such file or directory

>- Send output from the following:
>   grep CONFIG_EEPRO100 /usr/src/linux*/debian*

This took a second, then brought me back to the command line without any 
text output.



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