[vox-tech] Problem wth init 5

Mike Simons vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Thu, 12 Jun 2003 11:59:49 -0400

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On Thu, Jun 12, 2003 at 01:06:45AM -0700, joel pinto wrote:
> I have installed linux redhat 7.3 on a machine with 64
> MB RAM. The machine was bootng into graphics mode by
> default. I fiddled with the setup/system to go to the=20
> text mode.

  If Redhat has not changed anything /etc/inittab is what starts X.
look around the bottom of that file for what command init is running
when it tries to start X, and paste it here.

> Now the machine does'nt go the graphics mode, after
> booting the screen will b flickering and  am unable to
> login.

  If you wait long enough init should stop trying to start up X and
you will be able to log in to the console.  After trying to start a
service a certain number of times in a short time, init will stop
trying for 5 mins... that is your window of opportunity to log in.

> I am able to go to single user mode and sucessfully
> run init 3.
> But there seems to be a problem with init 5.

  Also while you are checking the inittab, paste the line with
initdefault in it... that will tell me which runlevel the machine=20
is trying to go to by default.

> Also by runnng command statrx, I am able to go to graphics mode.

  It is good to know X is still configured correctly, but I'll need
to see some more information to know why init isn't starting X.

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